Beyond Passwords: Safeguarding Your Business in the Era of Cyberattacks & MFA Fatigue | TREYSTA technology management

Explore the power of MFA, strategies to combat MFA fatigue, and effective measures businesses can adopt to bolster their cybersecurity defenses.

Why are Passwords No Longer Enough?

Passwords were once considered the best line of defense for keeping your online accounts safe. While it’s still important to keep strong passwords, it’s no longer enough to ensure protection against cyberattacks.

Hackers have many ways to gain access to your accounts. Some include phishing, social engineering, and MFA fatigue, which allow cybercriminals to exploit weak security with relative ease. Moreover, data breaches and leaks have exposed billions of passwords.

Luckily, this is where MFA comes to the rescue. Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) reinforces your account security and significantly reduces the chance a hacker can breach it, even if your passwords are compromised.

What is MFA?

It’s highly likely you already use a form of MFA! Many websites and services use this popular security practice to protect sensitive information, online accounts, and digital assets. When you use MFA, multiple forms of ID are required to make sure it’s really you trying to access your account.

MFA usually combines two or more of the following factors:

      1. Something you know: Typically, this is a password or a PIN only you should know.
      2. Something you have: This refers to a physical device or token you possess, like a smartphone, security key, or smart card.
      3. Something you are: Fingerprints, facial recognition, or iris scans are all biometric information unique to you.

The most common use of verification is a code that is either sent to you or by clicking on a push notification. Once the code or notification is confirmed, your login attempt is authorized. But did you know hackers are trying to find a way around this by using an attack called MFA fatigue?

What is MFA Fatigue?

MFA fatigue is a form of cyberattack where a hacker tries to overwhelm their victims by spamming authentication requests over and over. This happens because the hacker already has access to your username and password. Users may become frustrated and accidentally press accept or do so to get the annoying notifications to stop. After confirming access, the attacker can now enter your account.

It’s important to remember that MFA is a crucial step in keeping your accounts safe. Hackers will always try to exploit new ways to try and get your information. Luckily, companies such as Microsoft and others, are fighting to protect you from cyberattacks like MFA fatigue.

In fact, earlier this year, Microsoft rolled out new practices to battle MFA fatigue called phishing resistant MFA. You may still receive a push notification but must type in the digits displayed on your screen to authorize any access. This form will have you enter a 6-to-8 digit code displayed only to you.

Phishing resistant MFA still uses multiple forms of verification but relies on cryptographic techniques, or simply, methods that specifically address the risk of phishing attacks. Phishing attacks involve tricking individuals into divulging their login credentials or sensitive information by impersonating a legitimate entity through fraudulent emails, websites, or messages. Since phishing attacks require human interaction, using this new technique minimizes the risk of falling victim to one by reducing human interference.

How to Protect Your Business from Cyberattacks in 2023

Cybersecurity is everyone’s responsibility. Statistics show there are over 2,200 cyberattacks per day, resulting in an average of 1 attack every 39 seconds. It is no longer an if, but when a cyberattack will happen. Here are nine best practices your business can adopt to stay protected against these threats:


      1. Implement a robust cybersecurity policy: Develop and enforce a comprehensive cybersecurity policy that outlines security protocols, guidelines, and expectations for employees and systems.
      2. Employee awareness and training: Security Awareness Training (SAT) is regular training sessions to educate employees about the importance of cybersecurity, common threats, and best practices for data protection. It should include password hygiene and recognizing phishing attempts.
      3. Use multi-factor authentication (MFA): Implement MFA wherever possible to add an extra layer of protection by requiring additional authentication factors beyond just passwords.
      4. Secure network infrastructure: Utilize firewalls and secure network configurations to protect against unauthorized access and network-based attacks.
      5. Regular data backups: Implement a robust data backup strategy, including offsite and encrypted backups, to ensure data can be restored in the event of a ransomware attack or data loss.
      6. Security assessments and audits: Conduct periodic vulnerability assessments and security audits to identify and address potential vulnerabilities and weaknesses in the system.
      7. Business continuity planning: Develop an incident response plan that outlines steps to be taken in the event of a security breach and establish a business continuity plan to minimize disruption in case of an attack.
      8. Partner with a trusted cybersecurity provider: Consider engaging the services of a reputable cybersecurity provider to assist with risk assessments, threat monitoring, incident response, and ongoing security management.
      9. Stay informed about emerging threats: Keep up to date with the latest cybersecurity trends, vulnerabilities, and best practices to ensure proactive defense against new and evolving threats.

Strengthen Your Cybersecurity and Empower Your Team with TREYSTA

At TREYSTA, we provide comprehensive cybersecurity solutions that will fortify your organization’s digital defenses while empowering your team to navigate the online landscape with confidence.

Our top priority is your security. By partnering with us, you gain access to a team of highly skilled IT support experts dedicated to safeguarding your valuable assets. We offer a range of cutting-edge services tailored to your specific needs, ensuring that your organization is protected against the latest threats.

One key aspect of our services is Security Awareness Training. We believe a well-informed and vigilant workforce is your first line of defense. Our interactive training programs empower your employees to recognize and respond to potential threats, equipping them with the knowledge and skills necessary to thwart cyberattacks. By cultivating a strong security culture within your organization, we help create a human firewall to protect your business.

To stay one step ahead of cybercriminals, we go beyond standard security measures. Our comprehensive dark web monitoring service keeps a constant watch over the darkest corners of the internet, proactively identifying compromised credentials and potential data breaches. By acting swiftly, we minimize the impact of security incidents and protect your organization from reputational damage.

Your Local IT Support Company

Don’t leave your cybersecurity to chance. Join forces with TREYSTA technology management and experience the peace of mind that comes with knowing your organization is fortified against cyber threats. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation and take the first step toward a more secure future.

Find out why businesses in Harrisburg, Hanover, York, and throughout Central PA and Northern MD trust TREYSTA as their technology experts.




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TREYSTA technology management is a local IT company in operation since 1995 with two locations, York, PA and an expanded location in Gettysburg, PA. Our service area ranges from Harrisburg, PA to Frederick, MD. TREYSTA, recognized on the esteemed worldwide MSP 501 list, is a leading IT management and services business serving small to medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations. Utilizing cutting edge products and services, TREYSTA is committed to providing premier IT support so local businesses and nonprofits can focus on obtaining their goals.

TREYSTA technology management is a local IT company in operation since 1995 with two locations, York, PA and an expanded location in Gettysburg, PA. Our service area ranges from Harrisburg, PA to Frederick, MD. TREYSTA, recognized on the esteemed worldwide MSP 501 list, is a leading IT management and services business serving small to medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations. Utilizing cutting edge products and services, TREYSTA is committed to providing premier IT support so local businesses and nonprofits can focus on obtaining their goals.

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