Disaster Planning

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disaster recovery

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No one expects a disaster to take place, however, the real question is not if something will happen, but when will it happen to your business. Learn more below on what you can do to keep your business secure.

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What is Disaster Recovery and Planning?


No one expects a disaster to take place, however, the real question is not if something will happen, but when will it happen. There are many things that can be catastrophic to your technology and business. In fact, a local PA business had to lay off more than 500 employees because of their lack of disaster planning. Having back-ups and redundancies are critical to combat down time for your business and for organizations in cities like Mechanicsburg, Gettysburg, or Westminster.


Disaster recovery and planning is the area of security preparation a business puts in place that deals with protecting their organization in response to a catastrophic event. These events can be human or natural disasters, including things like major system failures, fires, or cybercrime involving ransomware. Disaster recovery is how your business responds to these events and what you can do to quickly resume normal operations with efficiency and minimal downtime.


The questions your organization needs to ask are:


      • If something happens, how quickly do I need to be back up and running?
      • If something would happen today, how far back in time would be acceptable to start again? Would you be ok with redoing the day’s work or do you need your back-ups to happen as work is being done?
      • Can my business risk downtime and potential financial loss?


The Importance of Advanced Planning


Without a proper plan in place, facing the effects of a disastrous event can be detrimental for your business. One of the greatest risks of not having a plan in place means feeling the effects of potential financial and data loss. The longer the downtime, the greater the risk your business faces. Not only would you be jeopardizing your finances, but it may include the risks of losing employees and important clients. When you have a plan in place, you can help reduce the effects when a catastrophic event happens. Ask yourself: can my business endure prolonged downtime and major data loss?


TREYSTA can evaluate your situation and help plan for the “what ifs” of a major disaster for businesses in cities like Harrisburg, Frederick, and York. Our goal is to have your important information accessible to you at any time. Planning for an emergency situation can mean the difference between staying in business and closing your doors. Because of this, TREYSTA can be trusted to aid you in disaster and recovery planning.


What are Some of the Benefits having a Disaster Recovery Service?


      • Store Data in Remote Locations– Our first step is to ensure that your data faces zero risks from break-ins, failed servers, or fire breakouts.
      • Data Redundancy– We provide multiple hard drives for data duplications. With a simple re-route, you can retrieve your data in case your primary drive is damaged.
      • Instant Data Access– You don’t have to wait for hours for us to replace or wire in supplementary hard drives. Our solutions help you avoid costly downtime with instant access to data.
      • Constant Monthly Rates– Sign-up for our services at a monthly flat-rate. No hidden charges. No additional costs.


Disaster Recovery, Cloud Continuity, and Business Continuity


A true business continuity solution will protect your data across on-premises and cloud-based technology environments when disaster strikes. Disaster recover is the act of how fast your business can move forward following a catastrophic event and is only a part of a business continuity plan.


TREYSTA uses services like Datto which creates comprehensive back-ups and recovery solutions for your desktops and laptops using cloud continuity. Using Datto’s cloud continuity, TREYSTA has the power to recover not only a single file that may have been lost but your entire PC. This means enabling your business to have near zero downtime when these issues arise.


Business continuity planning is a proactive strategy on how your business proceeds following not only major events, but minor events such as power and internet outages or other smaller interruptions. This can include contingency plans on how your business will proceed to operate, not just from a technology standpoint.

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TREYSTA is right in your backyard.

We help organizations in YorkGettysburgHarrisburg, and throughout Central PA remove the anxiety from their Information Technology systems.

Let us take care of your IT.

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What is Datto File Protection?

Not sure? Find out key factors to help you decide what’s best for your company.

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Interested in learning more? Enter your information below and learn how TREYSTA and Datto can help keep your business secure.

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TREYSTA technology management is a local IT company in operation since 1995 with two locations, York, PA and an expanded location in Gettysburg, PA. Our service area ranges from Harrisburg, PA to Frederick, MD. TREYSTA, recognized on the esteemed worldwide MSP 501 list, is a leading IT management and services business serving small to medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations. Utilizing cutting edge products and services, TREYSTA is committed to providing premier IT support so local businesses and nonprofits can focus on obtaining their goals.

TREYSTA technology management is a local IT company in operation since 1995 with two locations, York, PA and an expanded location in Gettysburg, PA. Our service area ranges from Harrisburg, PA to Frederick, MD. TREYSTA, recognized on the esteemed worldwide MSP 501 list, is a leading IT management and services business serving small to medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations. Utilizing cutting edge products and services, TREYSTA is committed to providing premier IT support so local businesses and nonprofits can focus on obtaining their goals.

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