Hiring an IT Services Company? Here Are A Few Questions You Should Ask

If there’s any business horror story that we are getting tired of listening it’s definitely the “We hired the wrong IT services company and now we’re stuck” one that we should really be avoided by now.
Hiring An IT Company

Hiring an IT Services Company? Here Are A Few Questions You Should Ask

If there’s any business horror story that we are getting tired of listening it’s definitely the “We hired the wrong IT services company and now we’re stuck” one that we should really be avoided by now.

We get it. Everybody needs help with their IT nowadays. It’s not just a trend. It’s a sound business decision. If you are looking for somebody to manage and maintain the IT side of your company but you are a bit strapped on cash – hiring an external company is more budget-friendly than getting a whole new team in-house.

But with this increase in the need for IT services come the rise of companies who are definitely not as good as they are. One can say that it’s normal. After all, that’s how it works in business. One boba shop opens this week and within the next month or so you’ll see boba shops opening in every corner – each one claiming they are authentic even if they are not.

So when you are looking for a partner to help you with all your IT needs, what do you need to do to separate the chaff from the wheat? To eliminate the scum from the broth? Well, here are a couple of questions that can help you find out if you are dealing with a real company that can truly provide you with legitimate IT services. Depending on the answers they give to these questions, you can find out who the best candidate is and who can really help your business reach its true potential.

Questions to Ask Potential IT Services Companies

The goal of an interview is to get to know a company or business. To learn more about them, how they work, and how they can be of help to you. These questions are picked specifically to ensure you get all pertinent information about the IT services company and to know whether they are a perfect fit as your partner. Let’s start!

Where are you located?

If you are a business that is looking for an IT partner, it might be a good bet to start looking for ones near you. While the idea of outsourcing your IT support to a geographically distant provider can help you save money, they can’t really help you a whole lot when you are in an emergency situation. If they are local, they will probably charge more than one that is located miles away but if IT is essential for your business then it will all be worth it.

How do you charge your customers?

Pricing can be a very touchy topic in an interview. However, it is best to ask them right off the bat to ensure you know how you will be charged. Most IT service companies nowadays offer a per-user pricing structure that is both affordable and straightforward. It also removes the guesswork from setting a budget for your IT needs. There are also those that offer per-device pricing which is similar. Some companies also offer a break-fix pricing model that can look affordable at first but can hurt your budget in the long run.

What services are covered in your contract?

A lot of second-rate IT services companies find it hard to explain the scope of their work. This is because they rely only on keywords and industry jargon in their websites but when asked to elaborate, they find it hard to explain in detail. Asking what services are covered in your contract allows you to understand what you are getting and eliminates any surprise charges. Make sure when they show you the cost of the contract, ask for a breakdown. They may present a lump sum but they should be confident enough to break it down into parts.  Ask about limitations on services so you won’t be surprised when they won’t take tickets because you’ve reached your limits.

How fast can you provide support?

When your business is threatened by IT problems and downtime you need a partner who will be there when you need them. Depending on your contract, you should know how fast they can offer support (both hardware and software support) when you need them. Most IT service companies have helpdesks for easier concerns but when you need on-site support, how fast can they respond? When you are working with a local company, they can get personnel in within hours. However, if you are working with a non-local company they might need to contact a local IT service provider to do the fixing for them which can take anywhere from hours to days.

Who are your typical clients?

When looking for an IT services company, you need to know whether they can support a company your size or not. Some providers specialize in supporting large companies while there are those that excel in providing services for small companies. A company with 10 employees has vastly different needs from a company with 100 employees. Knowing more about their clients will also give you an idea of whether they have experience working in your industry. If they do, they immediately become a top candidate because they are already familiar with the nuances of your industry.

How will our partnership make my business grow?

Most people, when asked this question, will be taken aback. However, it’s worth noting that growth is one of the main goals of any business. As a business that aims for growth, you need a partner that can help you expand and evolve easily. Aside from providing you with solutions for your current problems, they should also be able to provide you with scalable solutions in preparation for development.

Find the right IT service company is important if you want your business to succeed. If you work with a good partner that can help you solve all your IT concerns and grow with you, you will have a partner for life.

For organizations around Harrisburg, Gettysburg, and York, you can lean on TREYSTA for all your IT needs. A locally-owned business offering IT services since 1995, TREYSTA is a trusted brand by hundreds of businesses from different industries. Call TREYSTA today and request a consultation so we can talk about how we can help your business reach its full potential with the help of IT.




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TREYSTA technology management is a local IT company in operation since 1995 with two locations, York, PA and an expanded location in Gettysburg, PA. Our service area ranges from Harrisburg, PA to Frederick, MD. TREYSTA, recognized on the esteemed worldwide MSP 501 list, is a leading IT management and services business serving small to medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations. Utilizing cutting edge products and services, TREYSTA is committed to providing premier IT support so local businesses and nonprofits can focus on obtaining their goals.

TREYSTA technology management is a local IT company in operation since 1995 with two locations, York, PA and an expanded location in Gettysburg, PA. Our service area ranges from Harrisburg, PA to Frederick, MD. TREYSTA, recognized on the esteemed worldwide MSP 501 list, is a leading IT management and services business serving small to medium size businesses and nonprofit organizations. Utilizing cutting edge products and services, TREYSTA is committed to providing premier IT support so local businesses and nonprofits can focus on obtaining their goals.

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